Land acquisition & requirements
Whelan Homes has a wealth of experience delivering planning permissions for new homes with an emphasis on creative, quality design.
We are continually seeking new opportunities on either previously used land or greenfield sites, with or without planning permission, or for promotion within a Local Development Framework.
We are able to assess and respond quickly with the potential and value of the site and our expertise can provide a firm, reliable offer based upon a sensible and deliverable solution. We are experts at building on residential infill or “back land” plots, derelict or dilapidated industrial or commercial land, and in recent years have delivered numerous schemes on such sites.
We consider outright purchase, option or conditional contracts and joint ventures. We are happy to recognise introductions and re-instruct agents on sales where applicable.
If you think you may have suitable residential development land and would like to talk to us in confidence further, please contact our office on 01959 578 120 or by email at: office@jpwhelanhomes.co.uk
Our preferred area of operation is shown by the map below: